SÜD-LOG s.r.o.
Pekárenská 255/77
370 04 České Budějovice
Company ID: 059 76 324
Tax ID: CZ05976324
Fio bank, a.s.
CZK: 2501290607/2010
EUR: 2101290608/2010
IBAN: CZ8720100000002101290608
E-mail: bohuslavek@sued-log.cz
Mobile: +420 724 268 150
Phone: +420 387 310 259
Fax: +420 387 310 251
E-mail: streit@sued-log.cz
Mobile: +420 739 587 707
Phone: +420 387 310 250
Fax: +420 387 310 251
The company is registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Regional Court in České Budějovice, Section C, Insert 26091.
Date of registration of the company in the Commercial Register: 31. 3. 2017